Lets Start With The Obvious

I know what it is like….the hunger to be successful online.  You see thousands of other people succeeding, and you wonder why it is not happening for yourself.   This is a big part of your problem…..the universal laws work in tandem, like ying and yang.  I know you have probably heard this before, but if you are focusing on why “you” are not successful, you are going to get more of just that! Want to manifest success? Keep reading!

I have a suggestion for you.  After all, you have nothing to lose! If you truly want what you don’t have, you “must” make yourself focus on what you want, instead of what you don’t have.  Catching yourself in these negative thoughts is the first step.  The next time you catch yourself, pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for recognizing this pattern.  This is the starting point to being able to manifest success in your life, be it financial, love, health, or anything you want to manifest in your life.

I was in the same position as you….

I was at rock bottom, as a single mom, with 2 kids, and suffering from a disability which prevented me from getting a 9 – 5 job. I spent 13 years struggling to make my first dollar online. I’m sure you can relate!

In desperation, I turned to the internet and started my search.  You see, the universe works in mysterious ways…and as soon as I started asking for help, I stumbled upon something new, which in hindsight, was truly The Law of Attraction in action!

I found “The Manifesting Manual” online, and started to read and implement what I was learning.

I will not bore you with all the details, but what I will tell you is that things started happening for me….it was like the universe was giving me signs, as some of the things I was experiencing was “too coincidental” to be ignored.  I know now that I was being guided by the Law of Attraction.

As my focus because more positive, things started to come to me, on a daily basis….thoughts, signs, feelings, so I decided to trust that the signs that were being presented to me were obviously as a results of my new focus. One of those “things”, just happened to be a new path to business that resonated with me, so I decided to trust my instincts, although a little scared at the time, after seeing so many online business opportunities that just didn’t work!

My Results!

Long story short, I had my first $5k month in my online business, after not earning a dime for years!

This is why I am giving you the opportunity to download the 1st Chapter of the “Manifesting Manual” absolutely free.  The most “awesome” part about this, is that Jafree actually gives you so many more bonuses, that you will get a big head start on changing your life, even just implementing all the free stuff he gives!

After reading the manifesting manual and practicing what is taught, you will attract into your life that which you focus on. In other words, if you focus on negative, negative will come to you…..if you focus on positive, positive things will come to you. The secret key is your focus.

For me, after working online for over 13 years, struggling to make just one dollar to help my family, I started to trust my own instincts and began to realize that the things that were being presented to me, were a result of my manifesting!

The more I trusted my instincts, or trusted that what came to me, was a result of my own manifesting, I started to trust my decisions more.

Now, I am able to provide for my family, take my son and daughter on vacations, and now, spend more time and energy learning to optimize my health!  I even beat Cancer!

OK, enough of me!

Here is your free download link! Enjoy!

Please do connect with me, and let me know how reading this Manifesting Manual has changed your life.

P.S. Forgot to tell you! If you want to see how I have achieved my success online, and how I can help you do the same, watch my personal intro video to see exactly how this is accomplished. http://millionaireBossMaker.com

I am here to guide you and help you along the way.  I am always reachable on Facebook, so send me a friend request!

Or, you can leave me a comment below.

Now, go manifest success!

Please share this post if you got some value from what I have shared with you today.

Universal Love,

Sandra Watts