This ONE Obvious Easy Step Will Change Your Success Rate!  Stop Playing “Nicky Nicky Nine Doors” with your prospects!

If you don’t know what “nicky nicky nine doors” is, here is the Wikipedia description:

Knock, knock, ginger (also known as knock down ginger, ding dong ditch and numerous variants) is a prank or game dating back to 19th-century England, or possibly the earlier Cornish traditional holiday of Nickanan Night.[dubious – discuss] The game is played by children in many cultures. It involves knocking on the front door (or ringing the doorbell) of a victim, then running away before the door can be answered.[1]

I see so many entrepreneurs and marketers alike doing this exact thing!

They throw a link at someone, in a message,or in an email, and then they run away!

No-one will ever click your link when do you do this. In fact, they will get angry with you for doing this, just like playing “nicky nicky nine doors” with your prospects.  You have got to STOP THIS!

No only will your prospects get mad at you, but so will Facebook.

Connect with Your Prospects – Find Their Pain

If you change this ONE THING – you see see big results in your business.

What have you got to lose? Just make yourself TRY IT… a test!

Start a conversation with your prospect.  Ask questions.  Find out their struggles.  Offer an understanding ear and show them  you understand their struggles.  Offer them some value!

What is value you ask?

Value is offering to help your new friend by giving them something FREE, that will help them solve their problem.  It could be a free ebook, free training, or just free tips you have learned along the way that will help them.

Do not Underestimate the Value You Have To Give!

Chances are, if you are prospecting a new person, who has no experience, that you have learned something that you can pass onto them.  Even if you do not have real life tips to help them, there are tons of free ebooks out there to deal with every issue a marketer could have.  All you have to do is re-write the content, or hire some on for $5.00, to re-write the ebook for you! Walla! You have your free Ebook!

Every day, as you learn something new, chances are there are millions of people out there who do “not” know what you have just learned, so why not create a short video about what you learned.  You can share these video tips with your prospects and your list!

Once you break the ice, and your prospect sees you are truly trying to help, they will be much more willing to see what you have to offer!  If you want to have a solid business that lasts for years to come, this is the way to build your foundation.

This is truly the most simple FREE strategy to convert more prospects into your business.

What makes it even easier for me, is having a business system that will help “anyone” to grow their business, get more eyes on their offer, and teach the strategies necessary to earn a 7 figure income.  Where your success depends solely on how precisely you follow the step by step training, and does not rely on how many people you know!

I would like to share with you exactly how I have obtained my success online, and how you can implement the same system into YOUR business, while earning from 8 streams of income, all in one place.

Watch my personal intro video to see exactly how this is accomplished, and I will see you on the inside.

Sandra Watts

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