You are about to learn how we will help you create FEARLESS Videos For Your Business…(drum roll)…Featuring You!

It’s time to get your business out there!

I would like to invite you to participate in our FREE “Talk Show Style” interview session with one of our Video Experts, to tell the world about your product or business.

As many of you already know, I’m also the founder of Bliss Media Solutions – a Marketing Organization platform that connects, businesses with their customers by using the power of video, email marketing, and Social Media.

Your Live Interview


We will give you a FREE video interview, “live”, and ask you questions, that will inform your future customers about your business, products, or service, so they will want to contact you!

…..and that’s not all! Message me to find out how you can get more customers with your live video!

Our Talk Show Host will have questions to ask you that are designed to “pull out” the most important information that your clients need to know. (You will be given the questions in advance – and of course you can customize your questions to suit your business).

What Happens To My Video?


We’ve done hundreds of interviews with people from organizations such as Aerial Innovations, JIB Enterprises, Your Web Marketer, and Network and Grows top 20, and we’d love to see your video featured in our NetworkandGrow Video Marketplace, and eventually, on page one of the Youtube search results, which is where so many of our client’s videos end up!

After being interviewed, you will receive a free, consultation to teach you how to use video to grow your business.

You will receive a copy of your interview video. This is a great opportunity because you will be able to post your video anywhere on social media to reach your customers, with an awesome professional “talk show style” interview.

Additionally, if you also wish to be in our Network and Grow community, social media channels, and use our applications to drive traffic to your video, we have tailored plans for any budget.

We have discovered what works, in organic Youtube marketing, and can get your video on the 1st page of Youtube …..if you like.

Please let me know if you’re interested in booking a FREE “Talk Show Style” by clicking this link, and one of our video experts will contact you discuss the interview

Thank you and have a lovely day!