CANNABIS Benefits – Don’t Smoke it – Put Into Edibles For Maximum Benefits.

I want to get one thing straight.  I am NOT telling you it is ok to go out and get stoned, by smoking marijuana.  The cannabis benefits are obtained by making cannabis butter from the buds, juicing the leaves, or consuming home-made oil, made from medicinal grade cannabis, which is prescribed to you by your doctor.  I am not telling you to make it yourself, as it is illegal in many places.  I am only giving you the information for which you can research further.

Cannabis Benefits (Mother Nature’s Medicine)

There are numerous articles and personal testimonials from thousands of people who have cured themselves from many diseases, by ingesting cannabis oil.  The recommended dosages can be found on Rick Simpson’s website,, along with a host of other information regarding his research and testimonials of people who have been cured.

The Chemo Therapy Money Grab

Think about the billions of dollars the pharmaceutical industry is making by administering chemo-therapy to as many cancer patients as possible.  The more people with cancer, the more money they make.  It is estimated that the pharmaceutical industry, are currently making an estimated $150,000 per person, who undergoes chemotherapy.  The Research Companies are only “partners in crime” to the Government, claiming to be “searching” for cures while raking in millions of dollars every year.  Do you really think they want to find a cure?

It makes me so sad to see “good-intentioned” people donating their whole estates to cancer research, when their hard earned dollars will never be used to find a cure, or to even tell you about it when they have one!  Do you really think we do not already have cures?  OF COURSE WE DO! But, upon such a great discovery, the natural doctors are silenced, killed, or ordered not to produce!  It is a billion dollar industry, and they are not going to give it up!  The industry will never admit the cannabis benefits that you use to treat many many ailments, that were in fact treated with cannabis by many tribes of people many years ago.

Cannabis/CBD vs. Pharmaceuticals

The industry has, for a long time, smothered you with propaganda about marijuana (cannabis) and how it is bad for you.  Of course this is the only information they will ever give you, because they stand to lose millions of dollars if you actually see cannabis benefits when you use cannabis to cure or treat your disease. Once you realize it works, they will lose you as a customer, and where does that leave them? It would leave them broke!

On the flip side, where is the propaganda to warn the public about the dangers of “prescribed” medications, and what each “pill” will actually do to you, your organs and your brain.  We see millions of people addicted to alcohol and prescribed medications, and see thousands of overdoses and deaths, from the side affects of the chemical cocktails put into these medications.  Each medication is only a mask, or band-aid for the real, underlying problem, and resulting in more complications from the medication itself.  All of these diseases can be treated, or brought under control naturally, “without” the use of prescribed medication, and busing the benefits of cannabis instead.

Just ask any trained Dr. of Natural Medicine and they will confirm the research about cannabis benefits.  They will also tell you, that in many cases, genetics does NOT have to be a factor in determining whether you are pre-disposed to a disease. If you work hard at keeping yourself healthy, and follow a regimented system to detox and restore your organs and body functions, you would not be flipping the triggers in your body that create the “dis-eases”.  Cannabis benefits well documented for you to research.

The doctors are educated by the pharmaceutical industry, and constantly visited by pharmaceutical representatives, who’s sole interest is to push pills and make money.  There are a “few” doctors out there who have woken up and leared about cannabis benefits, and the importance of this treatment, but, are under strict scrutiny by the government (of course).

Please do not go to your doctor and tell him you are going off all your medication to go on marijuana.  He will tell you that you are crazy.  Do yourself a favor.  Do research Cannabis Benefits, and then contact a naturopath – your life and your health depends on it.

Cannabis/Marijuana is a natural plant bestowed upon us by mother nature.  It is NOT a chemical cocktail, it is NOT harmful, and it is NOT addictive.  Can you say the same for pharmaceuticals or alcohol?  Cannabis benefits by getting to the root cause of your disease and works with your body to promote natural healing.  This natural herb, coupled with a positive attitude, lots of love and support, will be paramount in your healing.

I am NOT telling you to go out and start smoking a joint.  You will not get the medicinal cannabis benefits from smoking it. as the medicinal cannabinoids literally go up in smoke!  Medicinal cannabis can be ingested in many ways.  Even for elderly people who have cancer.

If you want to avoid the affects of feeling high, you have a few alternative choices to experience Cannabis benefits:

1.Cannabis can be inserted rectally, (in a capsule) to avoid the “high” feeling completely.  Actually, it is much easier for your body to tolerate the large amounts of cannabis oil required to cure cancer, by inserting it rectally.  This is done by using an empty supplement capsule, that you can purchase at your local health food store.  You would squeeze about a rice grain size of the oil into an empty capsule (sold at health food stores), and then insert. This way, you can get the full treatment without feeling high. This process is being used for babies, children, adults and the elderly with amazing success rates.  Please see the Rick Simpson website for dosing and making your own. This is where I learned to make my own oil when I needed it for thyroid cancer 2 years ago. 

2.Use CBD oil, which has no THC. CBD beneifts are MANY! When shopping for the best and purest CBD oil, you need to make sure it is ORGANIC, and FULL SPECTRUM. This way you are getting all of the cannabinoids and not the pesticides, to ensure maximum health benefits of CBD oil. The health benefits of CBD oil can be enjoyed with drops you put under your tongue, or added to smoothies or soft drinks.  There are many products you can use, that are infused with CBD oil.  My choice for this is CTFO.  Out of over 50 CBD oil products, I found this one to be the most pure, and most cost effective of them all.

Cooking with Cannabis

You can substitute “cannabis butter” into any recipe that calls for butter or oil, just replace the same quantity with the cannabis butter.  Just make sure you keep your cannabis baked goods out of reach of those you do not want to consume it.

Now about the smoking part!  If you were in distress, full of anxiety, or really upset, you would normally reach for your chemical cocktail in the medicine cabinet and start popping pills, or have a drink of alcohol.  Pharmaceuticals only compound the problem and adding more side affects and damaging your organs.  Whereas you can use cannabis for depression.  Pharmaceutical pain relief is very addictive, and cause additional medical problems as a result of using them.  However, if you have an herbal vaporizer, which is just a small hand-held device that you turn on, and pull the air into your lungs from the tube, and that’s it….within a minute, you are more relaxed, happy, and stable, within no harmful side affects.  You don’t get that dopey feeling in the morning, like you do from sleeping pills, anxiety pills, and anti-depressants, and pain killers, or alcohol, which only worsen these conditions in many people.

Seek out a doctor who is educated in cannabis and marijuana, and speak to him or her “before” talking to your family doctor.  Your family doctor is “not” educated in these matters, and quite frankly they are so afraid of the ramifications, that most will not even talk about it.  They are ruled by the pharmaceutical companies and the government.

Once you have had a conversation with a doctor educated on the uses of cannabis, then contact your naturopath to discuss your medical conditions, and the meds you are on.  Do not attempt to do this on your own like I did.  It is because I learned the hard way that I am sharing my experience with you.  After you speak to this doctor, and your naturopath, you will be in a better position to decide for yourself what is best for you!

A True Story of a Lady I Was Personally Helping to Survive!

She was a very good friend.  She had terminal, stage 4 cancer.  She was admitted to the hospital to live out her last days.  Her husband started to research the possibility of curing her cancer with medical grade marijuana oil, as she had nothing to lose at this point.  Somehow, he manged to discuss this with the doctor in charge of his wife’s case, and asked the doctor take his wife off of all her chemo-therapy medication, to give this herb (cannabis) a chance.  The doctor agreed, but made her husband sign a “no resuscitation” order, which meant, if the patient went into cardiac-arrest, they would not try to revive her.  The husband had no choice but to agree.

His wife was on a feeding tube and IV.  She could not sit up in bed or eat.  She was on her last legs (so to speak).  Her husband had to give her the cannabis oil in her rectum, in a vitamin capsule.  He stood by her side and gave her the recommended dosage for cancer, a few times a day, faithfully.  In the days following the beginning of this treatment, his wife started to be able to sit up.  A couple of days after that, she started to eat.  Upon further examination, the doctors found her brain tumors were shrinking, as well as the tumors in her lungs.  They were all astounded by her progress.  We were all wondering how or why this doctor allowed him to do what he was doing, but we held on to every improvement with such joy and amazement.

Her husband stayed by her side, day and night.  Then, one day, as she was getting better, he decided to go downstairs to the cafeteria for a coffee and a bit of a break.  Upon returning to his wife’s room, the nurses were all around her and she was gasping for her last breath.  When he asked the nurse what happened, she said, “oh, when your wife rolled over, she moaned, and we thought she was in pain, so we gave her a shot of “pain killer”.  This pain killer had caused a side affect that caused her throat to seal up, and as a consequence, they let her die, as a “no resuscitation” order had been signed.  This was too coincidental for me, and still bothers me to this day, how suddenly when he left the room and came back, she was dying.  The system does not want people to know that cannabis is a cure!

I am “not” a conspiracy theorist.  I have done my research, and I have personally seen cures this amazing herb can provide

I have another blog post called How I beat Depression Naturally, and 4 Steps I Use To Cure My Own Depression, which you may find very useful!.

AGAIN I must stress.  Please consult with the medical professionals regarding this issue.  I am not advocating you do anything that I have described, only sharing with you my experience in the hopes of helping more people.

My Passions About Cannabis and CBD

I love that I can now spend my time sharing with the world, the alternatives they have for controlling their own health.  Not only health, but you can control your own wealth as well.  I hope that my personal stories will somehow inspire you to take a new path.  A path that you have chosen for yourself, instead of following what you are told to do.

As a result of starting my own business online, I am able to blog, and tell the world about what I have learned, in the hopes of touching at least one person that I can help with my story.  You can do the same thing.  It’s very exciting and anyone can do it

You can also work online, from home, as I have been for over 18 years.  I would not be doing this if it did not earn me a great income for myself and my family

I would like to show you how you can earn your first $10k online, step by step, in Affiliate Marketing, selling other people’s products – starting from scratch. This is now possible in 30 days.

Click here to learn more

If you have any questions feel free to message me on Facebook by Clicking this Link

Sandra Watts