Stop A Panic or Anxiety Attack 2 Simple Steps

I wanted to share with you my 2 simple steps to stop a panic or anxiety attack that offer a quick relief!

My First “GoTo” Method to Stop a Panic or Anxiety Attack

We all have stress.  Good stress and bad stress, but when you get that tightness in your chest, your heart starts beating fast, you have a hard time getting your breath,  and you feel like you are going to literally die… can STOP your panic or anxiety attack (keep on open mind) and try this.

I stumbled upon this video by Burt Goldman while looking for some stress relief for myself, as I wanted to learn how to stop a panic or anxiety attack, as they were occurring more frequently. Burt Goldman is an amazing elderly man, has traveled the world, helping people.  At the ripe old age of 88, he is a spiritual coach and mind power expert.   So, stop what you are doing, and listen to this free audio.

(You’re going to want headphones for this because it is absolutely amazing)

Burt Goldman produces a lot of free inspirational videos on Youtube, for all to use.  He even has app for your cell phone, so you can listen with headphones in the subway and no-one will know!

My Second “GoTo” Method

I met a wonderful stranger in a group in Facebook, who gave me some amazing advice to stop a panic or anxiety attack.  He told me to research a product called “Gabatrol“, and advised me how it helped him through his stress, anxiety, and depression, so I decided to try.  I went to the website, and after reading about it, immediately ordered 2 bottles. 

I figured this was too good to be true, and I was happy to get my delivery to test out the claims

I took 2 immediately, to see what would happen, as I felt an urgency to try this, as I woke up with depression every morning, and knew that anything would be better than the stress I was always currently feeling. 

Within 20 minutes, I was a different person.  My mood, shifted, I felt lighter,  it completely stopped any panic or anxiety attack, and helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

I’m happy to share this with you, as I have tried over 50 different natural herbs for depression, and Gabatrol is the only supplement that actually works!. 

It’s NOT a pharmaceutial, and it is much safer than “antidepressants”, which come with a long list of side effects and organ damage.. 

There are a lot of products out there that claim to help stress and anxiety, but very few of them actually deliver a “noticeable difference”.  When you can free yourself from a panic or anxiety attack, and notice an immediate difference, from a natural supplement for depression, it is so empowering!.  Most natural supplements for anxiety work over time, which leave some people desperate for a quick fix, who often times opt for prescribed medication, which only compounds your problems. 

This is the first natural supplement for depression and anxiety I have ever found that works right away.

The government control over many herbal supplements for depression and anxiety is getting increasingly worse, and I have written about the reason for this in another blog post for you to read.

Now You Can Relax!

Once you are in a better mind space, it is much easier to be creative and let your imagination flow.  In your quiet time, after listening to the Daisy Pond above, sit and think.  Some people call this meditating.  Just sit in the quiet and take some deep breaths.  In this relaxed state, you are more open to new ideas and positive thought patterns.  Think about where you really want to be 1 year from now, and what you will be doing.  Create a mental picture of what this looks like, and feel yourself being there and see yourself following your passions. 

The more you can put some quiet time aside to do this, you will subconsciously be training your mind to think positively, and will attract more positive thoughts.

You can accomplish, and manifest exactly what it is that you long for.  Believe in yourself.  If you can think it, and see it, you can manifest it and succeed.

What These Steps Did For Me

I applied the these practices to my own life personally.  Day after day, with practice, the stress and anxiety gets less and less, and the good days get better and better.  We still have some bad days, but the important thing to remember is that it is only temporary, and that the good days are becoming more frequent.

This is the time to apply yourself to something new, and keep an open mind. 

My passion is to help people and inform them of the natural cures and remedies out there, which the pharmaceutical industry is trying to take away from us. (Such as cannabis or cbd oil remedies also for anxiety and stress). 

I have not had a re-occurrence for over 1 year now, and wanted to share with you how you can also stop a panic or anxiety attack, without having to take a trip to the emergency room!

What is Your Passion?

I took what I am most passionate about, and turned it into a thriving business.  My work from home business allows me to write about my passions, and, earn a wonderful income at the same time.  This is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.  Find a job you love, and the stress becomes fun, instead of being overwhelming.

I only WISH this was available when I starting working online 18 years ago, as I had to learn the hard way.  My business model will teach you how to take your passions, and turn them income, with a 30 day step by step income challenge designed to give you the exact steps you  need to take, to earn your first $10k online.

It’s time to turn a new leaf and start what you have secretly always wanted to do.  The creators of the program have recorded their exact steps to their first $1,000,000.00, in our business model that starts with you $10k income challenge, earning from over 20 streams of income, all in one place.  It is fun, rewarding, and life changing.  You can start your $10k income challenge here!

I would love to connect with you and help you further.

Please send me a friend request on Facebook, and let me know you read my post!

Here’s my Facebook link

Chat soon.

Sandra Watts